Early estimates suggest businesses in West Virginia had a strong holiday spending season, more in-person purchasing

by Josiah Cork STAFF WRITER

January 9, 2022


The 2021 holiday shopping season was highly successful thanks to a much higher level of in-person shopping, according to reports.

Shoppers took to the stores during the 2021 holiday shopping season to deliver higher in-person numbers than in the last two years.

Strong Holiday Spending | Shoppers Shopping - AP

AP photo

The final numbers are not yet in for the 2021 holiday season, but officials’ early estimates suggest that businesses in West Virginia enjoyed a strong showing.

“The preliminary indications show that spending was increased over 2020,” said Steve Roberts, president of the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce.

“I can tell you … on an anecdotal level, we’re getting very good reports back telling us through word-of-mouth — a lot of the different managers at different retail outlets — they’ve been telling us it was a good season,” said Joe Bell, director of corporate communications for Cafaro Company.

Cafaro Company is a retail real estate company that owns Meadowbrook Mall in Bridgeport and Huntington Mall.

“They had a lot of good traffic and they had very strong sales for the month of December,” Bell said.

Customers seem to have put effort into their gift-giving, as sales were higher than last year’s holiday season, giving the economy a nice boost heading into the new calendar year.
“So first of all, the spending appears to be up over 2020. The consumers appear to have spent rather liberally. That, of course, helps the economy because over 70% of our economy is connected to consumer spending,” Roberts said. “So we feel that when all the numbers are tallied, we’re going to have had a very good holiday spending season.”

As Roberts noted, data is still being collected from the latest holiday season.

Some sales will even continue to trickle in through returns and gift cards, according to Bell.
“A lot of those sales are going to continue coming over this week and (the week of Jan. 9-15),” he said. “A lot of consumers are going to be using this time for returns or for spending gift cards they received.”

Perhaps the biggest difference between the 2021 and 2020 holiday seasons was that 2021 saw much higher levels of in-person spending compared to massive online sales in 2020.
“Certainly an uptick from last year for sure (for in-person buying). A lot of reports are indicating in many of the retailers that they were seeing better sales than 2019,” Bell said.
“We believe there was more in person spending than last year, but we’re also seeing large gains in online purchasing. So that is certainly keeping the delivery people busy,” Roberts said.
He notes that the demand for online purchases has remained high, which has moved some of the workforce toward deliveries.

“We actually have a decrease in the number of retail workers in West Virginia, and we think that’s largely because of the online purchasing that’s growing in our state,” Roberts said. “Delivery companies are hiring. There’s a great need for truck drivers.”

Because of the much higher in-person shopping in West Virginia, the final numbers for Christmas 2021 spending will likely be promising for businesses, according to Bell.

“Just from what we’re hearing anecdotally from store managers around our properties — around the Meadowbrook Mall, Huntington Mall — it was a very strong holiday season,” Bell said. “Lots of foot traffic. Lots of in-person shopping. I think everyone’s going to be pleased when they tally their final results.”


No Stepping on Service at Reyers

Tuesday, January 4, 2022 Michael Moliterno     The Business Journal

NILES, Ohio – Upon entering Reyers Shoe Store for the first time, Jenny Black experienced something she had, until that time, seen only on TV.

“I thought, ‘I can’t believe this is happening to me right now,’ ” she says.

But it was. A knowledgeable shoe professional was measuring her foot with a Brannock Device to ensure she walked out with a pair of shoes that fit her well.

Jenny Black holding the slippers she purchased.

“I’m here with somebody and I told them, ‘He’s going to put the shoe on me,’ ” she says, laughing.

Although a new experience for Black, that type of service is what long-time customers of Reyers have come to expect, says its vice president, Steven Jubelirer.

“When you come to Reyers you’re going to get your foot measured by a professional who knows how to measure a foot, instead of going into a self-service store where you’re lost,” Jubelirer says.

And the staff and owners of Reyers don’t just talk the talk; they walk the walk – so their customer can walk in comfort.

On Oct. 30, less than three months after the iconic shoe store relocated from Sharon, Pa., to the Eastwood Mall, a secret shopper from Footwear Insight magazine visited Reyers.

Secret-shoppers grade each establishment on a score of 0 to 100 with stores receiving a 70 out of 100 earning a gold star.

“We got 104 out of 100 because we scored the bonus questions, too,” says President Mark Jubelirer.

In fact, Reyers received the highest score of any shoe store in the nation. “This visit was fantastic,” the secret- shopper wrote. “We would travel to this store location again and again.”

Reyers Shoe Store has been in business since John Reyer opened the Little Reyers Shoe Store in downtown Sharon, Pa., in 1886.

Left: Steven and Mark Jubelirer say Reyers is getting its footing back at Eastwood site; right: the Jubelirer brothers, decades ago, with their late father, Harry Jubelirer.


The store was purchased by Mark and Steven’s father, Harry Jubelirer, in the 1950s and remained in Sharon until August, when it moved to the mall.

“We see a lot of the same customers from the other location,” Steven says.

One long-time customer is Stacia Pascale of Brookfield.

“I’ve always shopped at Reyers,” she says. “If you wanted something unique they had it. When my stepdaughter got married, I wanted a very unique shoe to go with the dress I got and they had it. I still have them to this day.”

Like many, Pascale’s first visit to Reyers was as a child when her parents took her for back-to-school shopping.

Stacia Pascale shopping in Reyers.

“People used to drive an hour, hour-and-a-half, to come buy shoes. We had the selection,” Steven says.

In addition to local shoppers, Reyers also attracted tour buses – about 900 a year, Mark says, from cities such as Cincinnati, Buffalo N.Y., and Toronto, Canada.

But as online shopping made buying shoes more convenient, and downtown Sharon became less of a tourist destination, foot traffic began to decrease.

“Those bus tourists chose instead to go to casinos because that was more fun and they could get shoes anywhere, just like anybody else,” Mark says. “We had less and less traffic every year in downtown Sharon.”

The pandemic and the decrease in traffic, Jubelirer says, caused Reyers to post its worst quarter ever in the fourth quarter of 2020. “It was also our worst year on record,” Mark says.

To ensure the nearly 140-year-old business would stay open, the Jubelirers decided to relocate across the state line to Niles, Ohio.

The mall, with its big-name stores such as the new Boscov’s department store, is the perfect location because the foot traffic that is so crucial to Reyers’ success is all but guaranteed, Mark says. As a result, he describes 2021 as “massively better” than 2020.

“The goal is to match pre-pandemic levels of business and we are achieving parity with 2019 more so every day.”

Jubelirer reports Reyers’ fourth-quarter 2021 at the mall was better than its fourth-quarter 2019. “And our first quarter is going to be better than 2019 because there is traffic,” he says.

While things have worked out for Reyers, Jubelirer laments what downtown Sharon lost when the business moved. He holds it up as an example of what can happen to communities when residents fail to support local businesses.

“Local philanthropy moves to a different locality. People are hired from where the business is. We don’t hire from Pennsylvania much now,” he says.

During its years in Sharon, Reyers regularly supported local groups such as the United Way and Shoe Our Children, as well as food pantries and church groups. The Jubelirers sat on several boards, with Mark serving as president of the Downtown Sharon Association and the VisitMercerCountyPA tourism bureau.

Shoppers will likely find few if any alternatives that can match Reyers level of customer service and selection. “We have sizes and widths to accommodate a wider foot, a narrower foot,” Steven says.

In back of the store, out of sight of shoppers, is the supply room where Reyers stores the 20,000 shoes it keeps on site. The Jubelirers call it “miles of aisles.”

“It seems like in this location we’re selling a little higher-end, higher-priced product,” says Steven, adding that he and his brother have received nothing but positive feedback from their new customers. “A lot of the customers recognize that this is a better product than what you can find in the chain stores.”

And Mark says the brothers plan to do everything they can to keep shoppers coming back again and again. “It’s going to take a little while longer for us to develop a loyal following here but we shall.”

Pictured at top: Steven Jubelirer holding a shoe from a popular brand, Johnston & Murphy

Boscov’s proves to be a hit Department store opened at Eastwood Mall in October


Staff file photo / R. Michael Semple Shoppers wait for the doors to open at the new Boscov’s at the Eastwood Mall on Oct. 7.

NILES — The line to shop at the new Boscov’s at the Eastwood Mall when the department store opened Oct. 7 started to form before the sun rose, and by the time the doors opened at 10 a.m., nearly 1,000 people were in it.

Thousands more came and went throughout that day — the first of a three-day grand-opening celebration put on by the Reading, Pa.-based retailer to christen its 49th store and third at a mall owned / operated by the Cafaro Company.

CEO Jim Boscov said the opening was the No. 1 event for him and for the company in 2021.

“I’m incredibly proud of the Niles co-workers that joined the Boscov family this year and grateful for the warm welcome we received from our new friends in the Mahoning Valley,” he said.

The store — a gigantic 180,000-square-foot space that occupies about one-third of the mall’s west concourse, including the 140,000-square-foot former Sears department store — features a wide range of departments from a candy counter to optical and hearing centers with extra value-added customer service features such as free gift wrapping for any item purchased.

That is what, in part, sets Boscov’s apart from other retailers.

“We have departments that other department stores have given up on, candy, toys, petites …” Boscov said.

Other sources of pride include a broad range of products within each department that often are priced less than competitors — for example, the retailer carries upward of 20 different models of coffee maker — and customer service.

It was announced in January 2020 the Reading, Pa.-based retailer was locating at the mall with a planned opening in October 2020, but the pandemic delayed things about a year.

But when it did open in October, the response was immense. In addition, the opening raised more than $100,000 for local nonprofit groups. The grand opening also featured family-style entertainment, a parade and fireworks show.

It was perhaps the only department store to open in a new market in the U.S. last year but wasn’t the only new store to open at the Eastwood Mall.

Among the new stores was the iconic Reyers Shoe Store, an institution in downtown Sharon, Pa., for decades that announced in May it was leaving for the mall.

The store opened in the 14,000-square-foot space formerly occupied by Forever 21 in the J.C. Penney concourse.

Co-owners, brothers Steven and Mark Jubelirer, decided to move after 135 years in Sharon because of dwindling customers. Their father bought the store in the early 1950s from Carl Reyer, whose father, a German immigrant cobbler, opened it in 1886.