Cafaro Cares
The mission of the Cafaro Foundation is rooted in the generosity of William M. Cafaro, the founder of the real estate development and management company that bears his name. For over a half century, Cafaro and his wife Alyce enthusiastically, but quietly, supported churches, schools, hospitals and other charitable causes. In many instances, the Cafaros would insist on making gifts anonymously.
After his wife’s death in 1996, Mr. Cafaro formed his foundation to perpetuate her memory and the legacy of good works they shared. Mr. Cafaro passed away in 1998. Over the years of its existence, the Cafaro Foundation has bestowed millions of dollars. The causes that have benefited are many and diverse.
For more information on applying for a grant from the foundation or for a Cafaro Scholarship, contact:
Ruthanne Brown
330-747-2661 x170
Fax: 330-743-2902
Cafaro Foundation
5577 Youngstown-Warren Road
Niles, OH 44446